Giving Toolkit
Sample Codicil
An Easy Way to Remember Catholic Extension Society in Your Will
You can modify your will without rewriting it entirely through an amendment called a “codicil.” Codicils must be signed in the presence of witnesses and should be kept with the original will.
To modify your will by codicil to benefit Catholic Extension Society, please consider sharing the following language with your attorney:
I give to The Catholic Church Extension Society of the United States of America, a nonprofit organization currently located in Chicago, IL (Tax ID #36-6000520), or its successor thereto, [the sum of $ ______] [or ______ % of my estate], to be used for its general support and charitable purpose without restriction.
In all other respects I ratify and confirm all of the provision of my said last Will and Testament dated on the _________ day of ______________, 20__
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I sign, publish and declare this instrument to be a Codicil to my last Will and Testament in the presence of the persons witnessing said Codicil at my request this _____ day of ___________, 20___.
_________________________ residing at __________________________
_________________________ residing at __________________________
_________________________ residing at __________________________
The codicil, to be valid, must be signed in the presence of witnesses, and the original placed with your other valuable papers. A copy can go to your lawyer and a copy to Catholic Extension Society.
Your Giving Toolkit

Gifts from Donor-Advised Funds

Sample Language for Your Will or Trust

Sample Beneficiary Designation

Sample Codicil

For Trustees and Advisors

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I'm here to help

Fran Caan
Manager of Planned Giving
Phone: (800) 842-7804